Release Note: For the latest Customer Support information in your country or territory, click here, and select Contact.


Customer Support


You should read through the manual and the readme file on the CD before contacting Activision Customer Support. Additionally, if you have internet access, search our troubleshooting database at:


Please ensure that your computer system meets the minimum system requirements that are listed on the back of the game case. Our Customer Support representatives will not be able to help customers whose computers do not meet the requirements. So that we can better help you, please have the following information ready:


1.     Complete product title (include version number)

2.     Exact error message reported (if any) and a brief description of the problem

3.     Your computer’s processor type and speed (e.g. Pentium 4 2.4GHZ, Athlon XP 3000, etc…)

4.     Amount of RAM

5.     Make and model of your video and sound cards (e.g. Radeon 9800 Pro, Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2, etc…)

6.     Make and model of your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive (e.g. Samsung SC-140)

7.     Operating system



NOTE: Please do not contact Customer Support for hints/codes/cheats; only technical issues.


NOTE: Internet support is handled in English only.



Our support section of the web has the most up-to-date information available including patches that can be downloaded free-of-charge. We update the support pages daily so please check here first for solutions. By going to the Find Answers section and selecting the platform/game you are inquiring about you can view the top solutions for the game to date. If you don’t find your question/solution there try using inputting a keyword into the search.
World Wide Customer Support:


Australia and Pacific Rim

North America




UK and Europe


Electronic Arts-Brazil

Latin America




Australia and Pacific Rim




Online Services with Activision Forums, E-Mail and File Library Support

We advise for cost efficiency that you use our online web support.


Web Support

Our support section of the web has the most up-to-date information available. We update

the support pages daily so please check here first for any solutions that you require.

This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and offers a fully

comprehensive list of known issues as well as providing the latest updates/patches.



In Australia, for Technical Support, Hints and Tips, please call 1902 263 555.

Calls are charged at $2.48 (inc.GST) per minute.


In NZ for Technical Support, please call 0800 160 110.



Do you want to receive news on new games and special offers for Activision customers?

Register On-line at

Change your location to Australia and complete the registration form by clicking on the Sign Up option. This will help us keep you informed about Activision

games. You will be notified of upcoming releases & special offers.

Note: Activision Asia-Pacific is committed to safeguarding the privacy of information

entrusted to it. Accordingly, Activision complies with all relevant legislation

concerning the collection, use, security and disclosure of personal information.

For Technical Support and Customer Service in areas not listed, please contact your

local distributor or Activision via our online support at (Please note the online support is available

in English only).


[To the Top]

Assistance Technique En France


Support clients




Pour tout savoir sur les produits ACTIVISION, pour connaître les astuces et les solutions qui vous permettront de progresser dans nos jeux, pour télécharger des démos** ou pour participer à nos concours et gagner nos dernières nouveautés...

Contactez le service consommateurs ACTIVISION 24 h / 24 et 7 jours sur 7.

Par minitel : 3615 ACTIVISION*

Par téléphone : 08 92 68 17 71*

Sur notre site web :, si vous avez un accès à Internet.

Un testeur-joueur pourra aussi répondre à toutes vos questions et vous guider dans vos quêtes et aventures (réponse personnalisée sous 24 h, jours ouvrés).
*Tarif en vigueur au 01/04/00, pour la France métropolitaine : 0,34 euros/min © 2002 CPP.
** Uniquement sur notre site Web.

Hotline Technique
0825 15 00 24* ou par e-mail:

* Quelque soit l'origine de l'appel : 0,15 euros/min TTC © 2002 CPP RCS B 395 093 172
Horaires : du lundi au vendredi de 16 heures à 19 heures.

Pour le service clientèle dans les pays francophones, veuillez contacter votre revendeur local ou Activision par les services en ligne.

[To the Top]




Unsere Technische Supporthotline ist Montag bis Samstag für Ihre technischen Fragen zum Spiel da. Bitte halten Sie bei Problemen mit dem Spiel oder seiner Installation auf Ihrem PC auf jeden Fall alle wichtigen Informationen parat, vor allem bei PC-Problemen ist eine Analyse nur mit genauen Informationen Ihres PCs möglich, da es hunderte verschiedener Konfigurationen gibt.


Helfen Sie uns daher bitte vor Ihrem Anruf!


Sie werden von unseren Mitarbeitern nach diversen Systemkomponenten gefragt, die sie am einfachsten im Überblick haben, wenn Sie folgendes machen:


Im "Start"-Menü gehen Sie auf den Menüpunkt "Ausführen".

Im nun erscheinenden Fenster tippen Sie "dxdiag" (ohne die Anführungszeichen) ein.

Es öffnet sich nun das Diagnoseprogramm von DirectX. In diesem Fenster klicken sie nachdem der Prüfungsprozess (blauer Balken rechts unten) ganz abgeschlossen ist auf "Alle Informationen speichern…" (3. Button von links). Es wird eine Textdatei generiert, die alle wichtigen System- und Treiberinformationen enthält.

Speichern Sie diese am besten auf Ihrem Desktop ab, damit sie während des Gesprächs alle Informationen für unsere Servicemitarbeiter parat haben.


 Die Servicerufnummern für Kunden aus Deutschland:


(€ 0,59 pro Minute aus dem Festnetz;ggf. abweichende Kosten aus dem Mobilnetz) für technische Fragen zu ACTIVISION Produkten.


(€ 1,25 pro Minute aus dem Festnetz; ggf. abweichende Kosten aus dem Mobilnetz) für spielinhaltliche Fragen zu ACTIVISION Produkten.

Die Servicerufnummern für Kunden aus Österreich:

0900 - 241232

(€ 0,68 pro Minute) für technische Fragen zu ACTIVISION Produkten.

0900 - 400724

(€ 1,55 pro Minute) für spielinhaltliche Fragen zu ACTIVISION Produkten.

Die Servicerufnummern für Kunden aus der Schweiz:

0900 - 252423

(CHF 1,50 pro Minute) für technische Fragen zu ACTIVISION Produkten.

0900 - 980098

(CHF 2,13 pro Minute) für spielinhaltliche Fragen zu ACTIVISION Produkten.

Minderjährige benötigen die Zustimmung eines Erziehungsberechtigten, um diese kostenpflichtigen Serviceangebote in Anspruch nehmen zu können.  

Alle Preise beziehen sich auf Anrufe aus dem Festnetz sowie zum Zeitpunkt der ersten Drucklegung dieses Handbuches. Die Kosten zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt sowie von anderen Netzbetreibern insbesondere aus den Mobilfunknetzen können variieren. Bitte beachten Sie hierzu auf jeden Fall die kostenlose Tarifansage am Anfang der Verbindung. Bitte informieren Sie sich auch über die Kosten direkt bei Ihrem Telefonanbieter.




 Bitte wenden Sie sich bei technischen Problemen an folgende Emailadresse:

  *Ihre genauen Kosten können Sie über Ihren Telekommunikationsanbieter erhalten, unser Beispiel zeigt die Kosten der Deutschen Telekom AG.


[To the Top]





Servizi on-line con forum Activision, e-mail e librerie di supporto





Per ottenere assistenza tecnica si può contattare Activision in Gran Bretagna al numero

+44 (0)870 241 2148 negli orari 08.00 - 19.00 (ora locale) da lunedì a venerdì, il sabato dalle

08.00 alle 17.00. Sono esclusi i giorni festivi.



Qualora abbiate riscontrato dei problemi nell’utilizzo del prodotto, o un difetto dello stesso, vi

invitiamo a rivolgervi al rivenditore presso il quale avete acquistato il prodotto ovvero al servizio

assistenza clienti qui oltre identifi cato, come previsto dal D. Lgs . 6 Settembre 2005 n . 206 e sue

successive modifi cazioni.



Il Servizio Assistenza Tecnica Activision Italia risponderà dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 10.00 alle

13.00 e dalle 14.00 alle 19.00, festività escluse.

Telefonicamente al numero: +39 02 58110093 (tariffazioni locali applicate e piano tariffario personale)

Tramite E-Mail all’indirizzo:


Si ricorda che questo servizio è esclusivamente inerente all’assistenza tecnica, non potranno

quindi essere forniti trucchi e/o soluzioni.


Per il supporto tecnico e il servizio clienti nei paesi non menzionati fate riferimento al distributore

locale dei prodotti Activision o ai nostri servizi on-line (tenete presente che questi servizi sono

esclusivamente in lingua inglese).



[To the Top]


Asistencia Técnica: America Latina

Centro de Servicio Moshinet
Lateral de la Carretera México-Toluca No. 1235,
Piso 1, Interior 101, Colonia Lomas de Santa Fe,
Delegación: Cuajimalpa, México D.F. CP. 05300

Telephone: 52 92 76 37,
Fax: 52 92 71 46
Number 01 800: 01 800 714 74 27
Mail Address:

TELEFONE: (011) 3046-3707 - Solicitar suporte técnico
FAX: (011) 3046-3719 - Enviar A/C suporte técnico
How to contact us:
Electronic Arts Ltda
Tel ( 011 ) 3046-3700
Fax : (011) 3046-3719 - to customer support
Internet :

Tele Opcion
Roque Saenz Peña 811 Piso 4 "E" - Buenos Aires - Argentina
Hot Line (54) 11 - 4326-7752

[To the Top]


North America


Customer Support


You should read through the manual and the readme file on the CD before contacting Activision Customer Support. Additionally, if you have internet access, search our troubleshooting database at:


Please ensure that your computer system meets the minimum system requirements that are listed on the back of the game case. Our Customer Support representatives will not be able to help customers whose computers do not meet the requirements. So that we can better help you, please have the following information ready:


-          Complete product title (include version number)

-          Exact error message reported (if any) and a brief description of the problem

-          Your computer’s processor type and speed (e.g. Pentium 4 2.4, Athlon XP 3000, etc…)

-          Amount of RAM

-          Make and model of your video and sound cards (e.g. Radeon 9800 Pro, Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2, etc…)

-          Make and model of your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive (e.g. Samsung SC-140)

-          Operating system



NOTE: Please do not contact Customer Support for hints/codes/cheats; only technical issues.





Our support section of the web has the most up-to-date information available, including patches that can be downloaded free-of-charge. We update the support pages daily so please check here first for solutions. By going to the Find Answers section and selecting the platform/game you are inquiring about you can view the top solutions for the game to date. If you don’t find your question/solution there try using inputting a keyword into the search.


If you cannot find an answer to your issue you can submit a question/incident to us using the online support form. A response may take anywhere from 24-72 hours depending on the volume of messages we receive and the nature of your problem. During the first few weeks of a game release and during holiday seasons the response time may take a little longer.


NOTE: Internet support is handled in English only.


NOTE: The multiplayer components of Activision games are handled only through internet support.


Phone: (310) 255-2050

You can call our 24-hour voice-mail system for answers to our most frequently asked questions at the above number. Contact a Customer Support Representative at the same number between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm (Pacific Time), Monday through Friday, except holidays. When calling please make sure you are in front of your computer with the power on and have all the necessary information as listed above at hand.



Please do not send any game returns directly to Activision without first contacting Customer Support. It is our policy that game returns/refunds must be dealt with by the retailer or online site where you purchased the product. Please see the Limited Warranty contained within our Software License Agreement for warranty replacements.



Register your product online so we can enter you in our monthly drawing for a fabulous Activision prize.

[To the Top]


Servicio de Atención al Cliente: España


Si experimentas algún problema técnico con este juego o necesitas alguna ayuda o pista, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con

nosotros en:



Complejo Empresarial IMCE – Edificio B

C/ Enrique Granados, 6

28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón – Madrid

Telf/Fax: 902.366.870



Nuestro horario es de lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 14:00 horas y de 15:00 a 18:00 horas.


Coste de establecimiento de llamada 0,083 €. Coste de llamada por minuto de 0,067 €. Tanto el coste de establecimiento de llamada como el coste de llamada por minuto pueden estar sujetos a pequeñas variaciones dependiendo del operador de telefonía fija o móvil desde el que efectúe la llamada o según las ofertas que pueda tener contratadas con su proveedor de telefonía. Para cualquier duda, por favor, aconsejamos que consulte con su compañía habitual de telefonía, tanto fija como móvil.


Asimismo, si lo prefieres, para cualquier problema técnico, pistas o trucos sobre uno de nuestros juegos, envía un correo electrónico a

No olvides indicar en qué consiste el problema y la versión o plataforma del juego. Cuantos más detalles nos des, major podremos ayudarte. 

[To the Top]


UK and Europe


Customer Support

Before contacting customer support, please consult the technical help file. It contains the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions and may quickly and easily provide a solution to your difficulty. If after reviewing the technical help file you are still experiencing problems, please feel free to contact us through any of the online services listed.

In order to assist us when dealing with your difficulty, please have the following information ready when you call or attach it to your question/incident when using our online support form.


1.   Complete product title.

2.   Exact error message reported (if any) and a brief description of the problem.

3.   A copy of your Direct X Diagnostics report. To access this go to Start –> Run and type

dxdiag c:\dxdiag.txt and press ENTER. The report will be found in your My Computer C: drive.


If you are experiencing difficulty with the multiplayer or online portion of the product, please assist us by having the following additional information ready when you call.


If you are using a modem:

1.   What kind of modem is on each end (brand, model, speed, internal or external)?

2.   Do you have more than one modem?

3.   On which port is each configured?

4.   Does Hyperterminal (or any other terminal program) work with your modem? This is an easy way to test whether or not your modem is configured correctly.

5.   At what speed are you connecting?

6.   Have you made sure data compression, error detection, and flow control is turned OFF?  Refer to your modem’s manual to do this.

If using an external modem:

1.   What kind of serial card is being used?

2.   Do you have a seven-wire serial cable?

If you are on a LAN:

1.   Can you see other computers on the network?

2.   What is your network configuration?

3.   What brand of network card do you have?

4.     What network software are you running? What version number?




Online Services with Activision Forums, E-Mail and File Library Support

We advise for cost efficiency that you use our online web support.

NOTE: Please do not contact Customer Support for hints/codes/cheats; only technical issues.



Our support section of the Web has the most up-to-date information available. We update the support pages daily, so please check here first for solutions. If you cannot find an answer to your issue, you can submit a question/incident to us using the online support form. A response may take anywhere from 24–72 hours depending on the volume of messages we receive and the nature of your problem.


Note: Internet support is handled in English only.

Phone Support

For any other issues not covered by our web or email support, you can contact Activision’s phone support in the UK on + 44 (0)870 241 2148
between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm (UK time) Monday to Friday with the exception of holidays. Local rates apply.


Your calls may be monitored


Please do not send any game returns directly to Activision without first contacting Customer Support. It is our policy that game returns/refunds must be dealt with by the retailer or online site where you purchased the product. Please see the Limited Warranty contained within our Software License Agreement for warranty replacements.


[To the Top]


Electronic Arts Brazil

TELEFONE: (011) 3046-3707 - Solicitar suporte técnico
FAX: (011) 3046-3719 - Enviar A/C suporte técnico

How to contact us:
Electronic Arts Ltda
Tel ( 011 ) 3046-3700 
Fax : (011) 3046-3719 - to customer support
Internet :

[To the Top]




Customer Support

Before contacting customer support, please consult the technical help file. It contains the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions and may quickly and easily provide a solution to your difficulty. If after reviewing the technical help file you are still experiencing problems, please feel free to contact us through any of the online services listed.

In order to assist us when dealing with your difficulty, please have the following information ready when you call or attach it to your question/incident when using our online support form.


1.     Complete product title.

2.     Exact error message reported (if any) and a brief description of the problem.

3.     A copy of your Direct X Diagnostics report. To access this go to Start –> Run and type

dxdiag c:\dxdiag.txt and press ENTER. The report will be found in your My Computer C: drive.


If you are experiencing difficulty with the multiplayer or online portion of the product, please assist us by having the following additional information ready when you call.


If you are using a modem:

  1. What kind of modem is on each end (brand, model, speed, internal or external)?
  2. Do you have more than one modem?
  3. On which port is each configured?
  4. Does Hyperterminal (or any other terminal program) work with your modem? This is an easy way to test whether or not your modem is configured correctly.
  5. At what speed are you connecting?
  6. Have you made sure data compression, error detection, and flow control is turned OFF?  Refer to your modem’s manual to do this.

If using an external modem:

  1. What kind of serial card is being used?
  2. Do you have a seven-wire serial cable?

If you are on a LAN:

  1. Can you see other computers on the network?
  2. What is your network configuration?
  3. What brand of network card do you have?
  4. What network software are you running? What version number?




Online Services with Activision Forums, E-Mail and File Library Support

We advise for cost efficiency that you use our online web support.

NOTE: Please do not contact Customer Support for hints/codes/cheats; only technical issues.



Our support section of the Web has the most up-to-date information available. We update the support pages daily, so please check here first for solutions. If you cannot find an answer to your issue, you can submit a question/incident to us using the online support form. A response may take anywhere from 24–72 hours depending on the volume of messages we receive and the nature of your problem.


Note: Internet support is handled in English only.

Phone Support

For any other issues not covered by our web or email support, you can contact Activision’s phone support in the UK on + 44 (0)870 241 2148
between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm (UK time) Monday to Friday with the exception of holidays. Local rates apply.


Your calls may be monitored


Please do not send any game returns directly to Activision without first contacting Customer Support. It is our policy that game returns/refunds must be dealt with by the retailer or online site where you purchased the product. Please see the Limited Warranty contained within our Software License Agreement for warranty replacements.


Release Note: For the latest Customer Support information in your country or territory, click here, and select Contact.                                                                     

